Thursday, July 26, 2012

Earn Extra Money for the Holidays

There is a noticeable spike in demand in certain industries as the holidays rapidly approach. Many businesses start looking for temporary staff now to help ease the burden of seasonally increased workloads. For college students and any individuals looking for additional employment for the holidays, this spike in business can translate into extra money in the bank. Staffing services are an excellent resource for finding temporary positions during the holiday season.

Seasonal Jobs

In the fall, many businesses begin to look for seasonal help, particularly in the retail industry. Many business owners trust staffing services to help them find the qualified applicants they need to join their staff, and this includes seasonal positions. Staffing services are able to check references, test qualifications and interview the applicants before the company ever sees a resume. This means that both the company and the applicant are able to find the best match possible. Applicants can trust staffing services to find positions that cater to their unique talents and help them earn extra money for their holiday expenses. Recruiters will only submit applicants for positions they believe best suit the applicant's qualifications.

Temporary Positions

Seasonal jobs have a set timeframe, but applicants may want additional streams of income throughout the year in order to save up for the holiday season. Proactive applicants may seek employment in spring or summer, when they have more time to devote to additional employment. Staffing agencies can help applicants throughout the year, and can even help applicants find work to help pay off those holiday bills too. Temporary positions are similar to seasonal jobs that call for an individual to be employed at a certain time, for a certain length of time, for an agreed upon pay rate. With temporary positions, there may be a chance for permanent employment opportunities as well further down the line. If the company is impressed by your work during your temporary assignment, they may be inclined to offer you a full time position.

Whatever your reason for seeking temporary or additional employment, one of the best ways to find a position during the holiday season is through a staffing service. Staffing services can target your best skills and market you to appropriate companies in order to help you find employment with an appropriate company or business.


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